Thursday, April 2, 2009

RC Project Marathon

Seeing my fellow classmate's blog makes me wanna write something about the RC Project Marathon. It was like, we went inside the room at DNIM building at 9 p.m. and only came out after 10.a.m. So, just imagine how crazy we were yesterday? That was even worse that studying last minute for exam. At least you sleep at 2 or 3 in the morning then continue after subuh right before you enter the exam hall. This time, we had to take turns to sleep. Ye lah, at least there's somebody to keep the project going. Haha, since I always blur when it comes to RC project so I assume myself as the group supporter. I went to buy stuff for them like mineral water and tidbits and then after 3 a.m. everyone got hungry so, me, Weipin and Nadia went out to ta-pao some food at YUS Kajang.

But among all I would like to salute these two people, Intan and Paan. I salute Intan because she very passionately stayed up the whole night without sleeping to finish the project. She really have a strong spirit and very determined to finish it by the time we present it to our lecturer. The second salute goes to Paan for being the brains and muscles in the group. He masterminded the steps in calculating and designing the project and also stayed up during the whole ordeal. Furthermore, he was the one who came to the rescue when we got banged by our lecturer thus saving everyone from being slaughtered alive. Apart from that I also salute the rest of the gang, Nad, Yana, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, Adah, Syu and also Weipin for staying together throughout the ordeal. hahah

So, I guess this is the last activity that we'll be doing together this semester, so I would like to wish all of you Selamat Menjalani penyeksaan Industrial Training where ever you do it.

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