Since I was too tired and sleepy yesterday to write anything, this post is made for my day three and day four of my Industrial Training.
Day Three;
Whoaaa, this time I manage to wake up early to get into the bathroom before 7 o'clock. But I might have stayed extra long in there that I only manage to depart for work at 7.35 a.m. Takpelah still sempat what… half an hour. Yaa right, memang tepat – tepat half an hour plus 1 minute I punched my attendance which was at 8.06 a.m. Dah… my first entry, I got merah already. But nevermind, My boss said the latest I should be in office is by 8.30 so it's still ok lah. I entered my office and saw everyone was there already and I was still the last one to arrive. Turnes out that Shuhairy came at 6.00 a.m. to mark our test paper (He was our lab instructor until last week) and Foo just got in a few minutes before I do. So I did the usual thing I did for the past 2 days (open my laptop and check my email) and then finish up the filing. After that My Boss came in and gave me more documents including a copy of a BQ (bill of quantity) to sumbat into the already full file. Then I got email after email that I have to respond to and those are all regarding one single thing, the notes of the discussion made yesterday. Haha. Then on request of my boss, I went up to the third floor to the big boss' room to ask for the previous minutes of meeting (together with my FYP log book and also Foundation Engineering test II paper which I scored badly but anyway at least half of the class got their marks like I did).
Then straight after that, my boss came to my desk and took all the things he gave me earlier in the morning (except for a receipt for me to do the claim process). He said it's not that he didn't trust us but it's the procedure and he might have overlooked it. To me, I think there has been some misunderstanding in the way they handle the thing. It is true that the documents were supposed to be a secret one but the secret thing about it was only the pricing guide and not the scope of work to be done. We are supposed to be given an empty BQ and not the one filled with all the numbers. Surely it will cause conflict of interest especially me with the position that I'm in right now and it's well known to everyone within the project team. Haha. What position I'm in to cause the conflict of nterest? I don't know… or better said I malas wanna write in here.
After that I said oklah. What to do. Dah memang the procedure like that so I cannot do anything about it. So I continue my work. Then came in Ms Sivadass to give me the BQ I asked from him. Alamak, again!! Hahaha I have to asy to him sorry but we are not allowed to get hold on the BQ anymore until the project has been awarded. And then he said that's the reason why he had been holding it off me for days. Laa… well, he should have said it earlier. So we don't have to go through any of these troubles. Hahaha.
Well anyway, enough with the procedure problem. So, me and Foo went out for lunch with Shuhairy at COE Foodcourt. There we met Kamal, Cheng, Mr. Arabi Nawwaf Saud Al-Qadi, Omar and also Dr. Bashar. So I had lunch with Dr. Bashar, my most feared lecturer… hurm… nice.
After lunch came back to office and met Dr Lee. He explained why we cannot have this and that. It's all done to avoid complain by the contractor later on. Then he said the very word that have been said by the two person who met me before, " It's not that I don't trust you…". Haha, takpelah… anyway, of course they cannot trust us. We are the temporary staff and we are not even trusted to handle the photocopy machine, apetah lagi nak handle big things like BQ.
Then, the rest of the day went on like normal until we got home. It's just that since Foo live just by the highway where I travel every day and we just parked our car was left in the parking lot untouched from 8 to 5.30; we made a pact to carpool together starting tomorrow.
Day Four,
The day started pretty early today, I got out from home at 7.15 a.m. and went ahead to pick up Foo. After winding up and down the 'Bukit' and got to the highway, I got the shock of the day. The highway was surprisingly empty on a Thursday. Normally the exit from Putra Heights will be blocked by the cars lining up to turn into USJ but today there's hardly any vehicle turning into the junction. In 10 minutes I've reached Foo's house. After waiting for quite some time I got a call from him saying that I should go first because he kinda misplaced his wallet and I got makeup test to attend. So I went out to the highway again. The time was well past 7.30 a.m. but the road section is still pretty clear. In Transportation terms, if on other days I would consider the highway stretch to have a Level of Service (LOS) E but today it might have gone up to LOS C which is quite significant. So I happily drove my car (as my boss would say – "While singing Uniten song") and still manage to arrive in Uniten and punched the attendance at 7.46 a.m. Waahhh!!! First time weiii~ arrive earlier than everyone else in my office. But still I couldn't beat my boss (He got his own room so I don't see him, I just saw his car).
Shortly after that, Shuhairy came. He straight away printed the test paper and handed it over to me. So I got 1 hour to finish it. I do, do, do, do, and manage to finish the exam by 9.30 a.m. (hahaha Jangan marah…) Then me and Foo (who arrived while I was doing my exam) went out on site visit (or better said in search of one). In case I haven't mention, today, we are on our special assignment by our big boss to search for samples of Kanny Hill Formation and sandy Weathered Granite soil. He had asked me to do it like two months ago and he asked me to take a day off to search for it. The assignment was actually given to me personally but I dragged Foo along coz since the starting, we have been doing pretty much the same thing. It's just that we don't do it together (he has his own set of the same documents to file). So today is pretty much our get – along – and – do – stuff – together – day.
First stop, Upten Foodcourt. Fill up the tanks with food before start doing physical work. Then we move on to our next stop, the Hardware store. We have to drop by the shop since I was too old (I was like 70 to 85 years old) to remember to bring a shovel and some plastic bags to collect the sample. Or else how are we gonna transport the sample? So I have to buy some plastic bags and a shovel. Luckily the shop sells clear plastic bags loosely and is sold by its weight. So I bought 100 grams of the stuff (around 12 pieces of plastic bags) and a scoop (since my gardening scoop has already bengkang-bengkok so why not get myself a new one).
Then we head straight for Kenny Hill (nowadays known as Bukit Tunku. Kenny hill formation is named after the rock formation on this hill) to find any project which involves excavation which we can gather some soil sample. As usual, for every visit to Bukit Tunku, I will have problem finding a junction into the area. After few wrong turnings, I decided to enter Bukit Tunku through Jalan Duta as I did on my previous visit there. This time I entered through Langgak Tunku Off Jalan Duta. Before I get to get any deeper into the area, we saw a hoarding fence. "This is a good sign", so I turned around to have a better look and JACKPOT!!! They're doing excavation works!!! So we quickly parked the car, get our safety helmet and got ourselves into the site.
At first I asked an Indonesian worker if we could speak to their site supervisor, but he said they don't have their supervisor there then I asked if I could have his number and he said "no number". Then I said, "Tak apalah kalo gitu' cume gue mau ambik sedikit tanah disini mau buat experiment di universitas". So I gave him a plastic bag and he immediately filled it with the soil. After thanking the Indonesian guy, we were about to head to the next site when there came a smartly dressed but with worried – looking face guy from inside. He greeted us and we immediately greeted him back. We said to him that we are from Uniten on an assignment to find some Kenny hill formation. His reaction was somewhat relieved to find out that we are from University and not some authority enforcer. He then said to me, "You sure ke sini Kenny Hill Formation?" I replied to him,"Takkanlah tak pulak, sini kan Kenny Hill". So he agreed to let us get some more sample from his site and also agreed to help us out to get our ten bags of sample and gave us his contact number.
Yess… First mission completed. We then head to the second site which is situated just beside Intan Kenny Condominiums which confirms our claim that Kenny Hill was in fact Bukit Tunku. This time, since the site supervisor is a Chinese, Foo took the lead to approach him. And both supervisors in both site turns out to be very warm and friendly. So in a very short time our assignment in Bukit Tunku is over.
We head next to Hulu Klang area where I suspect we would find the weathered granite. And we did find it in Kemensah area. It didn't take long to get the sample but since the area was much bigger than Bukit Tunku, the search took slightly longer time to finish and also because the site we approached was run by a big company, we didn't get a very warm welcome. After collecting the two samples needed we headed back to Uniten to have our lunch.
After lunch, we head back to the office and sat in our cubicle doing nothing (since I didn't bring my laptop, there's nothing much that I can do in the office) until 5.30 p.m. punched the attendance, and head straight home. Tomorrow we're gonna start carpooling. Say yes to environmental friendly method of travelling to work!!
1 comment:
halo.....good day...but sorry to ask....
coz im a poor writer...
is this the real format of industrial training diary?
thanx ^^
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