Yesterday was a hectic day, or izzit? I don't know… Is it my schedule that makes me run all about or it's just me who menyebok sana sini… Hehehe.
The day started pretty early, I woke up in the morning and said to myself, "Wah, today I'm unofficially gonna start my Industrial Training. But, then I just have to be there by 9.30 a.m. Hurm… it's still early". So I got off the bed, hit the showers and then head straight for the laptop.
Sempat lagi siapkan 1 proposal before my mom called for breakfast. The time was around 8.40 a.m. I was like, "ok.. lambat lagi..". I happily had my breakfast with my mom after quite a long time and finished eating like 9.00 a.m. and got ready to go.
I entered my car and cucuk the key in to start the engine. Once I start the car, I glanced at the clock. "HAAAAA!!! DAH PUKUL 9.20???" It was like I only got 10 minutes to reach the place where I would take 30 minutes on normal days. To get out from Putra Heights to reach the highway alone would take me 15 minutes. Mulalah I drive like a mad man… Pecut sana and cilok sini. I donno how many saman I got on yesterday alone. If I got any lah… The LDP got like 5 traffic cameras but I don't know which one is functioning on that day.
Finally after speeding at 160 km per hour on the Putrajaya stretch, I reached Uniten at 9.45 a.m. I drove in to the parking lot and saw something that eases my worry, "YESS, Dr Lee had just arrived, so they haven't left for the meeting yet".
I walked into the BN lobby and saw they all had gathered and ready to go. "Thank GOD, I'm saved". So, after greeting each other we went to TNBR for the meeting.
Upon our arrival, we were greeted by the engineer there who led the project. He then brought us into the swiss roll-shaped building. As I step into the building, I was struck with awe… It was HUGE!!! It got 3 separate blocks encased in the semi-cylinder shaped roof. We were brought past the forensic engineering area where they investigated the burnt substation components.
We got inside one of the building and got into the meeting room. Inside there, during the meeting, everything went well, we had our occasional laugh until the engineer from TNBR presented his part of the job. At that time, our group leader, Dr Lee who is my lecturer and also my project supervisor, showed his usual 'taring' at the engineer as he would with his students. He banged the engineer bertalu-talu until the engineer terdiam and donno what to say anymore. Hihihi.
After the meeting, I send my immideate boss Tn.Hj Sufian back to his office and since I haven't officially started work yet, I went straight to Amanah to surrender my apartment keys and also to pick up my Saudi roommate (now ex-roommate) for Friday prayer. He said he got his exam at 2 p.m. but I said to him "How can you have exams at 2 p.m.? I thought the earliest we could have the exams is at 2.30 p.m. since the prayers itself ends at 2 p.m.". He then called his classmate and then said that his classmate was not sure about the time. I then said "Never mind, the prayers should end slightly before 2 so meet me at the car directly after prayers and I'll send you to your exam room.
After the prayers I quickly sent him to admin building where he'll be having his exams. Upon arriving, we saw his professor walking by the road side… I said in my heart,"Duuuhhhh!!!"
After that, I went to do some errands and then went to Uniten Mosque to present my proposal for the community service program next semester. Right after my presentation, I got a message saying that my offer latter was ready for collection. So I went back to BN buiding to get my letter and to hand in my industrial training form. At the COE office I stumbled upon Zana which we then walked together to the IT briefing at BV lecture hall. As usual, the hall will be packed to the brim and I cannot hear a single thing. So we just stayed outside and chatted with the others. After that we walked back to COE office which I then stumbled with my co-authors at Every-Rant-Counts. The invited me to watch movie together, I said ok but since I hadn't had my lunch so I asked them to drop by for a drink first.
We went to Alamanda Putrajaya to watch Pantas dan Garang 4 (Fast and Furious 4. Hahaha) I don't really know how to rate a movie but I do enjoy watching it. The special effects are superb.
After spending time with the gang watching movie, I went back to Amanah with Afiq to his apartment. Perform Maghrib prayer and then took some rest. Then we went out again, this time we accompanied Arechong for dinner at The Village View, Bangi. Since I already had my popcorn dinner earlier, so I just had 1 piece of roti canai and air kosong. Then I went straight home.
At home, I took a shower, perform Isya' prayer and then went to bed. (or at least I thought I went to bed). I woke up being puzzled," Where am I?" I was not in my room. When I opened my eyes, everything looked different than my room. The color of the wall and even the brightness of the room was different from my room. For a while I tried to guess where I'm at. Rupa- rupanya I was in my living room on the couch. I thought I went to bed properly the night before but eventually I just landed on the couch and dozed off till morning.
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