So far my life is full of mediocrity… OR izzit? I just finished my exams and project presentation. Gonna start Industrial Training soon. Too soon that in fact I'm gonna start today itself. I've been called by my supervisor to attend a meeting with TNBR and also TNB about the project that I'm gonna get involved in. To date, I still have not get my offer letter yet and I have yet to have the slightest idea on what I'm gonna do for the coming three months.
Haih~ I don't even get to rest for few days dah kene start Industrial Training. But, what the heck!! I hope this would be better than staying at home doing nothing… lagi tambah berat badan aku.
Haha… I told you pung pang pung pang bout what I'm gonna do but I haven't told you bout where I'm gonna do my IT. Actually I got an offer from Uniten during the Uniten Open Day. Since I haven't got any offer for placement for IT, (actually I got this syndrome of being afraid to finish what you do, so I prepared a gempak punya resume but I didn't send it to any company. Just send it to Miss V to be evaluated Haha) so I tak fikir panjang just accept the offer. But he asks me to send my resume and cover letter so I had to send my beautifully crafted resume to my lecturer.
Then summore, I got nominated to be the President-in-waiting to replace the current Acting President of Unicommserv. Hahaha lawak kan? So I planned something to be done for the next semester. I had the idea of what to do but I still don't have a good name to put for the plan. Maybe I could just name it "Codename Khai-to Serv" to be put on the proposal.
I'll spare the details of the program… Hahaha… so setakat ni for Program " Codename Khai-to-Srev"… detailsnya biarlah rahsia dulu…
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