Friday, May 29, 2009
This Blog is Entering a Dormant State Again...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Am I A Gold Digger?
(Or Murah Rezeki Bila Mengunjungi Masjid)
How should I start my story…
The story began on monday when Foo didn't turn up for work because he got fever. Shuhairy on the other hand had been busy as he had to juggle between his work, extra work, another extra work, exams and also preparation for his wedding. So he basically went in and out of the office all the time.
Came the lunch hour and I were left alone in the office. I felt bored and decided to go to Uniten Mosque for Zohor Prayer before having my lunch at the food court nearby. On my way there, I met my Ustaz who was also going for his lunch. That day he was alone since all other staff at the mosque went elsewhere. So I decided to join him for lunch. We both ate Arabic rice, which comes in a huge portion. We then talked about ourselves and about how I opened a new blog for our neighborhood mosque. He then asked me to make one for the mosque in his neighborhood. Then when we're done eating, he paid for my meal which was to me, quite costly. Hurm… This one is acceptable because he kinda paid for my favor.
The next day, The same thing happened. This time I asked the Ustaz if he had his lunch but unfortunately, he already had his. So I walked out to the food court to have my lunch. Then came my Head of Department (the Boss of my Big Boss who recently came back from Mecca) I greeted him and selamber-ly asked him if he had his lunch. He said he haven't and invited me to join him. Bagaikan "pucuk dicita ulam mendatang" I said to myself "I don't have to eat alone today, at least I got company." So I followed him to the food court. Actually, I am not really close to him as I would with my Ustaz since I was his student for only 1 semester and we never lepak together before. This time we went to the mamak stall beside the arab stall. We took our food and then when it comes to paying for the food, He said to Kabir the cashier to include mine together. I said "Tak payahlah Dr… Seganlah…". Since he insisted I just let him paid but since I was not the type who took advantage of the generosity of others, I cancel my plan for banana smoothie (walaupun if I wanna order also can) and opt for plain water since he had the same.
That was okay but the thing that makes me felt bad was that he finished his meal first and had to wait for me. Then, after the meal I just thanked him and we parted ways. That makes me feel that I'm using him so that I can get free meal.
But, Thinking back what had happened the past 2 days kinda showed me what my mother had always reminded me that when people visit the mosque often, God will be generous upon you and will provide you with livelihood in ways you would never expected.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Industrial Training Online Log
Day Eight
8.30 p.m. ~ I'm still in my office.
Today has been a pretty stressful day for me. Not because I had a lot of work to do but for being in a very tight position. So tight in fact that I almost choked myself. Came to the office in the morning in the heavy rain. But, I'm not as gloomy as the weather as I was in full spirit to work. I came earlier than others, stamped my attendance and got out to greet other people (who came later than me of course). Then I came into the office just to find Foo's leg all wrapped up. He said that he sprained his foot and could not follow me to the site.
As soon as I had set up my workstation, I went on to work straight away. Printed few documents and went up to the EAC room. Then I went to my boss's room to pass some empty files given to him by those upstairs. Then I went back to my office. From the first encounter with my boss, I started to feel that something is not working so well. My full spirit had spilled and now got only some left.
Shortly after that, my boss came to my desk asking about the task that had been given to me. I said there are some that I had done and some others which I have yet to complete since I've been concentrating on the ISO forms for the past 2 days. (Actually I don't have mood to open my Soil Mechanics book to search for the info. I was hoping that I could somehow magically get a copy of the soil lab manual which I can copy straight away). He asked me can I finish it by that day itself? I was not so sure that I can finish it in one day since it involves a lot of work and I kinda promised Dr. Lee which is my boss's boss to bring his PhD student to get some soil sample. The thing was that I forgotten to tell him on the day we made the promise with his boss. Then he started giving his lectures about him being my immediate supervisor and I had to report solely to him. He then tried to call Dr. Lee but the line was not answered. Then he said to me to try to delay the site visit.
I immediately started on the new task given by my boss but having not eaten anything since morning, I felt really hungry. Then Shuhairy asked us to join him for breakfast so I followed him. Foo on the other hand wanted to go see a doctor regarding his sprained foot so he did not follow us.
We went for breakfast at La Rizz in Sungai Merab. After I ordered so much food hen only I realize that my wallet got left in my car back in Uniten. So, terpaksalah Kamal (Shuhairy's funny talking friend) paid for us all. I'm really sorry for that.
Then Shuhairy brought us to see the property in Sg. Merab that he's gonna buy from his uncle. The plot of land still got trees (and lots of them) on it. So he told me about the planning for development of the plot of land and asked me if it's okay to do so. I replied that it depends on the area and that you have to conduct a proper study to determine that.
Later we went back to the office. As I walk to my office, I saw Mr. Haidar, the Iraqi PhD student waited in front of my office door. I was hoping that he would go to meet Dr Lee who is his supervisor but apparently he didn't. He had been waiting for 45 minutes in there to see me. I felt really guilty for him so despite the order by my boss to delay that visit, I decided to just go for it and make it a really quick one. I told Haidar that we kinda have a situation in the office and that I cannot be gone from the office for too long. So I brought him to Desa Malawati in Hulu Klang to get those samples. Actually I regretted taking the sample fron that site since the procedure are very tedious. But it seems that Haidar is really determined to get his sample. We got inside the project site through the gate at the back near the workers cabin. We then snuck through the dark alleys in between the cabins, walking past those indons singing karaoke while some others were eating. After getting our sample, we quickly fled the scene before the site supervisor realizes what happened.
While I was on my way to the site, I got a phone call from my boss. He sounded really upset since I disobeyed his order. He asked me "Kan saya dah kata suruh tangguh? Kita tengah … blah blah blah and so on and so forth" He asked me about the moderator forms which I did earlier. I said that I gave it to Ridhwan and he put it in the shelf. So maybe he can ask Ridhwan. He then said "Takpelah" while sounded really frustrated. Haiiyooo… I feey really bad. My full spirit has now totally gone.
After getting the samples for Haidar, we quickly went back to Uniten where I drove like a madman. I almost met an accident where a car in front of me suddenly brakes hard that smokes came out from the tyres. Luckily nothing happened and I continued mt crazy driving until we reach Uniten.
I sent Haidar and his samples and head straight to my office. the time was 12.30 p.m. I quickly got inside and start to do my task of doing the soil test description.
Industrial Training Online Log
Day Six
On this day I followed Foo to the office. My brother sent me to his house in Puchong and then we went together to the office. Upon arrival at the office, I was given a set of forms to be filled and to be signed by each lecturer. My boss looked somewhat kelam-kabut on that day and he wanted me to finish filling that form as soon as possible so that I can get the signatures of the lecturer quickly.
So I began my work calling up lecturers to confirm up details about their subjects. One by one the forms got printed. Foo also helped out with the typing.
Then Achong and Afiq came to our office. Actually they just got out of their apartments as it was due for them to surrender their keys. So they needed a place to sit and do their work. Since they are both my best friends, so I let them share my huge table and also my electrical port.
After that, nothing interesting happened and I continued to finish my forms till it's time to go home.
Day Seven
Today I arrived late to punch my attendance by 1 minute due to the unnecessary u-turn that just had to be made by my brother. If not, my record would have been pretty clean with all blue inks printed on the card.
Then I got out again explaining to my brother the way to KL from Uniten. After that, I quickly went inside the office, set up my workstation and finish up whatever not finished from yesterday. Alhamdulillah within minutes it was done and just in time before my boss came in to check on my progress.
Then it's time to go and chase after lecturers for their signatures. By lunch time, the job is done. I then gone to Bangi to have some soup and bun together with Achong, Shuhairy, Afiq, Foo and also Qayyum. Stayed there and sembang-sembang for like 45 minutes then head back to the office.
Then I was instructed to file those forms in the EAC room. What am I supposed to do? So I asked the akaks-akaks from the storm centre to help me locate a new file for me to put the forms in. Hahaha.
Then I left the room to my office to prepare the label for the file. Sesampainya saya at my office, by coincidence, my boss came and ask us to join him for tea. Went for tea until 5.30, went back to the office just to find out that Foo is waiting for me to get home (since I carpool with him). So I packed my stuff and joined him to travel back home.
But the story was not over yet…
At the car park, as we're gonna step into Foo's car, He said to me that by next week, he's gonna get the new car that he ordered. He praises the dealer for being so efficient. Then he stuck in his car key and tried to start the engine. He twisted the key but nothing happened… He tried again but still nothing happened. Aah sudah!!!... The car heard the news and got really upset. So apa lagi? Terpaksalah me and Achong who happened to be nearby push the car to get it started. I had to push the car while wearing my leather shoes on that rugged tarmac. Habislah my shoes. Anyway, after several attempts, Foo managed to get the engine to start and we all can go home.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Industrial Training Online Log
Fifth Day
It was a Friday and I don't know why on earth during that day I don all black. I wore Black Nehru-collared shirt, black slack and black shoes. Maybe it was the only shirt that resembles Baju Melayu especially the collar part. Hahaha.
That day was also the day me and Foo started carpooling together. We arrived at the office quite early and got ready to start work. Not long after that, came my boss inviting us to go for breakfast together. So we went to Upten in Shuhairy's new car. After sitting in Upten for around 45 minutes, we went back to the office. At the office my boss said to me that I need to help him finish the ISO thingy. So I said okay to him.
When we got back at the office, I saw some of my friends preparing to do their final FYP presentation. I went to greet them, have a little chat and then return back to the office. Shortly after that, bothe me and Foo were called by my boss to follow him to do the job he asked me before. We went to Pn. Irfah's room. There we met Dr Lee who then asked us both to go to his room. We stayed in Dr. Lee's room for like until almost noon. We talked about many things which most of them involves him repeating the same point over and over again. Ahhh~~ How tiring having to pretend that you're interested in discussing such things. Takpelah… anyway.
After we managed to get out of Dr. Lee's room, we went back to our office and tried to get back to my boss. But apparently he got busy with his FYP students rehearsing the points for the presentation in the evening. I went there and lepak together with them seeing them discussing about which point needed and which are not needed in the presentation. After that, My boss said that he's hungry nad wanted to eat some Arabic food. So, we all together with Faliq and Hamzah went back to Upten to have some Nasi Arab. There, we had a little chat and then I got to know that my boss used to live in Rapat Setia in Ipoh which was neighboring Hamzah's house. Then I also got to know that Hamzah's father was my dad's office mate bach in the days. Hurm… Could it mean that we used to be friends when we were small like I was a schoolmate of Pakdin's when we were in standard 2? Maybe… Maybe not… I couldn't remember. But What I am sure of is that both our fathers quitted Jabatan Kajibumi and went on our different career path. His father went on to be an engineer at TNB while my dad ventured on his own establishing a contracting company.
Aih melalut pulak dah…
After lunch we went for Friday prayer, and then went to Amanah to lepak there for the last time. I didn't stay there for long and went back to my office instead. Then Achong came and lepak in my office until it's time for us to go home.
Haha. Practically my day last Friday was filled with waiting and discussing things. Nothing much done on that day.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Craze Over Music...
All the videos above are from Malaysian Idol but the one below is a different kind of Idol. The first time I saw this video, it sent chill down my spine.
Thisis the video of the late Mona Fandey, a singer cum bomoh who cold bloodedly killed a state assemblyman in her house and cut him into 13 pieces. After months of trial and several controversies later, she was sentenced to death by hanging. I hope those who were produced by these realty shows don't end up like her. Ngeeeeeee..
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Industrial Training Online Log
Since I was too tired and sleepy yesterday to write anything, this post is made for my day three and day four of my Industrial Training.
Day Three;
Whoaaa, this time I manage to wake up early to get into the bathroom before 7 o'clock. But I might have stayed extra long in there that I only manage to depart for work at 7.35 a.m. Takpelah still sempat what… half an hour. Yaa right, memang tepat – tepat half an hour plus 1 minute I punched my attendance which was at 8.06 a.m. Dah… my first entry, I got merah already. But nevermind, My boss said the latest I should be in office is by 8.30 so it's still ok lah. I entered my office and saw everyone was there already and I was still the last one to arrive. Turnes out that Shuhairy came at 6.00 a.m. to mark our test paper (He was our lab instructor until last week) and Foo just got in a few minutes before I do. So I did the usual thing I did for the past 2 days (open my laptop and check my email) and then finish up the filing. After that My Boss came in and gave me more documents including a copy of a BQ (bill of quantity) to sumbat into the already full file. Then I got email after email that I have to respond to and those are all regarding one single thing, the notes of the discussion made yesterday. Haha. Then on request of my boss, I went up to the third floor to the big boss' room to ask for the previous minutes of meeting (together with my FYP log book and also Foundation Engineering test II paper which I scored badly but anyway at least half of the class got their marks like I did).
Then straight after that, my boss came to my desk and took all the things he gave me earlier in the morning (except for a receipt for me to do the claim process). He said it's not that he didn't trust us but it's the procedure and he might have overlooked it. To me, I think there has been some misunderstanding in the way they handle the thing. It is true that the documents were supposed to be a secret one but the secret thing about it was only the pricing guide and not the scope of work to be done. We are supposed to be given an empty BQ and not the one filled with all the numbers. Surely it will cause conflict of interest especially me with the position that I'm in right now and it's well known to everyone within the project team. Haha. What position I'm in to cause the conflict of nterest? I don't know… or better said I malas wanna write in here.
After that I said oklah. What to do. Dah memang the procedure like that so I cannot do anything about it. So I continue my work. Then came in Ms Sivadass to give me the BQ I asked from him. Alamak, again!! Hahaha I have to asy to him sorry but we are not allowed to get hold on the BQ anymore until the project has been awarded. And then he said that's the reason why he had been holding it off me for days. Laa… well, he should have said it earlier. So we don't have to go through any of these troubles. Hahaha.
Well anyway, enough with the procedure problem. So, me and Foo went out for lunch with Shuhairy at COE Foodcourt. There we met Kamal, Cheng, Mr. Arabi Nawwaf Saud Al-Qadi, Omar and also Dr. Bashar. So I had lunch with Dr. Bashar, my most feared lecturer… hurm… nice.
After lunch came back to office and met Dr Lee. He explained why we cannot have this and that. It's all done to avoid complain by the contractor later on. Then he said the very word that have been said by the two person who met me before, " It's not that I don't trust you…". Haha, takpelah… anyway, of course they cannot trust us. We are the temporary staff and we are not even trusted to handle the photocopy machine, apetah lagi nak handle big things like BQ.
Then, the rest of the day went on like normal until we got home. It's just that since Foo live just by the highway where I travel every day and we just parked our car was left in the parking lot untouched from 8 to 5.30; we made a pact to carpool together starting tomorrow.
Day Four,
The day started pretty early today, I got out from home at 7.15 a.m. and went ahead to pick up Foo. After winding up and down the 'Bukit' and got to the highway, I got the shock of the day. The highway was surprisingly empty on a Thursday. Normally the exit from Putra Heights will be blocked by the cars lining up to turn into USJ but today there's hardly any vehicle turning into the junction. In 10 minutes I've reached Foo's house. After waiting for quite some time I got a call from him saying that I should go first because he kinda misplaced his wallet and I got makeup test to attend. So I went out to the highway again. The time was well past 7.30 a.m. but the road section is still pretty clear. In Transportation terms, if on other days I would consider the highway stretch to have a Level of Service (LOS) E but today it might have gone up to LOS C which is quite significant. So I happily drove my car (as my boss would say – "While singing Uniten song") and still manage to arrive in Uniten and punched the attendance at 7.46 a.m. Waahhh!!! First time weiii~ arrive earlier than everyone else in my office. But still I couldn't beat my boss (He got his own room so I don't see him, I just saw his car).
Shortly after that, Shuhairy came. He straight away printed the test paper and handed it over to me. So I got 1 hour to finish it. I do, do, do, do, and manage to finish the exam by 9.30 a.m. (hahaha Jangan marah…) Then me and Foo (who arrived while I was doing my exam) went out on site visit (or better said in search of one). In case I haven't mention, today, we are on our special assignment by our big boss to search for samples of Kanny Hill Formation and sandy Weathered Granite soil. He had asked me to do it like two months ago and he asked me to take a day off to search for it. The assignment was actually given to me personally but I dragged Foo along coz since the starting, we have been doing pretty much the same thing. It's just that we don't do it together (he has his own set of the same documents to file). So today is pretty much our get – along – and – do – stuff – together – day.
First stop, Upten Foodcourt. Fill up the tanks with food before start doing physical work. Then we move on to our next stop, the Hardware store. We have to drop by the shop since I was too old (I was like 70 to 85 years old) to remember to bring a shovel and some plastic bags to collect the sample. Or else how are we gonna transport the sample? So I have to buy some plastic bags and a shovel. Luckily the shop sells clear plastic bags loosely and is sold by its weight. So I bought 100 grams of the stuff (around 12 pieces of plastic bags) and a scoop (since my gardening scoop has already bengkang-bengkok so why not get myself a new one).
Then we head straight for Kenny Hill (nowadays known as Bukit Tunku. Kenny hill formation is named after the rock formation on this hill) to find any project which involves excavation which we can gather some soil sample. As usual, for every visit to Bukit Tunku, I will have problem finding a junction into the area. After few wrong turnings, I decided to enter Bukit Tunku through Jalan Duta as I did on my previous visit there. This time I entered through Langgak Tunku Off Jalan Duta. Before I get to get any deeper into the area, we saw a hoarding fence. "This is a good sign", so I turned around to have a better look and JACKPOT!!! They're doing excavation works!!! So we quickly parked the car, get our safety helmet and got ourselves into the site.
At first I asked an Indonesian worker if we could speak to their site supervisor, but he said they don't have their supervisor there then I asked if I could have his number and he said "no number". Then I said, "Tak apalah kalo gitu' cume gue mau ambik sedikit tanah disini mau buat experiment di universitas". So I gave him a plastic bag and he immediately filled it with the soil. After thanking the Indonesian guy, we were about to head to the next site when there came a smartly dressed but with worried – looking face guy from inside. He greeted us and we immediately greeted him back. We said to him that we are from Uniten on an assignment to find some Kenny hill formation. His reaction was somewhat relieved to find out that we are from University and not some authority enforcer. He then said to me, "You sure ke sini Kenny Hill Formation?" I replied to him,"Takkanlah tak pulak, sini kan Kenny Hill". So he agreed to let us get some more sample from his site and also agreed to help us out to get our ten bags of sample and gave us his contact number.
Yess… First mission completed. We then head to the second site which is situated just beside Intan Kenny Condominiums which confirms our claim that Kenny Hill was in fact Bukit Tunku. This time, since the site supervisor is a Chinese, Foo took the lead to approach him. And both supervisors in both site turns out to be very warm and friendly. So in a very short time our assignment in Bukit Tunku is over.
We head next to Hulu Klang area where I suspect we would find the weathered granite. And we did find it in Kemensah area. It didn't take long to get the sample but since the area was much bigger than Bukit Tunku, the search took slightly longer time to finish and also because the site we approached was run by a big company, we didn't get a very warm welcome. After collecting the two samples needed we headed back to Uniten to have our lunch.
After lunch, we head back to the office and sat in our cubicle doing nothing (since I didn't bring my laptop, there's nothing much that I can do in the office) until 5.30 p.m. punched the attendance, and head straight home. Tomorrow we're gonna start carpooling. Say yes to environmental friendly method of travelling to work!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Industrial Training Online Log
Day Two of my Industrial Training.
First thing in the morning, I got kantoi-ed with my boss for coming late to work. In fact, I came so late that I only arrive at the office at 9.20 a.m. Kesian pulak at Foo for having to wait for me since I held the office key.
Upon entering the room I began the process of taking over the new cubicle. Move the furniture here and there, get a chair for myself, call the cleaner to clean the room and voila!!! I got my own space for me to work in. Yay!!!!
After that brief cleaning process, I began my work for the day. Continue filing the documents and sorting out the relevant documents from the non-relevant ones, and emailing my boss for the documents I have yet to receive.
Then my big boss came by the office. He wanted to introduce to us our new lecturer for the department. Aarrgghhh.. I forgot her name… well nevermind… anyway I didn't have the chance to talk to her yet. And she got her own room. Only Shuhairy talked to her sharing some knowledge about Uniten and also the system here. Haha. My boss also came by and he sempat to ask me to come out with a note about our discussion yesterday with TNB Transmission.
After that distraction from the job, I continue my day with the copying the files process. I had to copy all the documents that Foo has but I don't. So I took all the documents and take a short walk across the lobby to the COE office. Got myself into the office and head for the photocopy machine. Hehehe. I tested on many skills of copying. Normal put-all-in-tray copying, one page – by – one page, A3 plan copy, and also double sided copy. Hehe kiranya I get to know the machine.
Shortly before lunch I started on the notes of the discussion, stop a while for lunch with Arechong, Afiq, Foo, Faliq and Muazan. Came back at 2 and continue finishing the note and emailed everyone. At 4 my boss came and made some comments on the note I made. Hahaha. Have to make amendments to the note and email everyone again.
Finally, got back at 5.30 p.m. drop by at Upten to Ta-pao some Hanith Lahm (Arabic rice with lamb) and head straight to Dad's office. Usually on Tuesday and Thursday every week, we will be having a religious class which is sponsored by my dad (that's why it's held in his office). It's open to our friends and family and the best part is, since the thing is sponsored, it's free for everyone else. After the class only that I head home.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Earth Hour 2009

Earth Hour : TNB Records 550 MW Drop in Consumption
Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) is pleasantly surprised by the support and appreciation demonstrated by many of its customers on the worldwide Earth Hour campaign last Saturday, 28 March 2009.
"Electricity consumption dipped by 550 Megawatt (MW) which is equivalent to about 14 million fluorescent bulbs (40 watt each)," said TNB President/Chief Executive Officer, Dato' Sri Che Khalib Mohamad Noh.
During the one hour period of the energy conservation initiative (8.30 pm - 9.30 pm) TNB staff were extra vigilant in case any untoward operational difficulty occurs.
"Everything went on very smoothly and we were able to respond to the slightly lower demand without any operational glitch," said Che Khalib.
Demand peaked up almost rapidly at 9.30 pm to follow the normal Saturday evening demand pattern, he said.
"While this minor fall in demand will result in a slight shaving of our revenues, we accept that Earth Hour is for a good cause," added Che Khalib.
Imagine the saved energy's impact onto the carbon emission from the power plants. How many kgs of carbon did we save?
Congratulations to all Malaysians for showing that we do care for the ENVIRONMENT !
Industrial Training Online Log
Today is the 6th of April 2009 which means it's the first day of my Industrial Training in Uniten. Haha, on the very first day itself I slack around. Supposedly, I came at 8 a.m. but I only arrive at there at 9. I entered the office but I couldn't see anyone. I thought to myself, "Habislah, I've created a bad impression on my first day."
After messaging Foo, I sat down at the couch pretending to read my Soil Mechanics book. Hehe. Cover mesti baeeeekkkk punya!!! Then I got a message from Foo saying that he's in his boss's office. Then I went up to the 3rd floor, wander around then got back down. I sat back on the same couch and pretended again to read my Soil Mechanics book.
A while later I saw Afiq going for his Integrated Design presentation. He asked me to join him in the presentation room. Since I got nothing to do so I followed him. Tak sempat nak going out to the lift, I saw Shuhairy going to his room. Since I was assigned to the same room as he is, so I followed him to get my cubicle. (I should've followed Afiq. If I did, I would've got my job earlier and I would've have time to finish everything before we go for the meeting)
After I sat at my cubicle, Foo came by and sat at my cubicle. There are two empty cubicles in the room but only one is readily available for seating as the other has boxes on them. Maybe tomorrow I'll sort things out and make that cubicle as mine.
Since Foo had got the instructions from his boss Dr Lee and I haven't so I followed Foo to do his task of going to the BD lab and get the documents from the Research Assistants there. After we got back from the lab, I switched on my laptop and opened facebook. After doing few quizzes and showed Foo some of the videos recently posted here in this blog and also on Every-Rant-Counts, I began my search on info about Stone Column, the location of TNB building we're gonna have a meeting at and also about few landmarks in Petaling Jaya.
At around 1 p.m. Tn Hj. Sufian came in my office and gave me the tasks I'm supposed to do in the morning. So I did the job as fast as I could and depart for the meeting at 2.30 p.m. I thought half an hour is enough for me to get to PJ since I always make it to Mid Valley in fifteen minutes. How wrong I was. As I take the turning from KL-Seremban Highway to PJ, The road was jammed like hell. I had to inch my way until Mid Valley before the road clears back at Federal Highway. That time I rasa menyesal tak sudah for following my boss's advice to take that road. I should've taken the Besraya - Jalan Kuchai Lama - Jalan Klang Lama - Federal Highway stretch instead. Huh~ Takpelah… It's all in the past now.
I reached TNBT at around 3.05 p.m. and at that time only Shuhairy had arrived because he came from Sunway. I searched for parking spot and found one at the road side near Menara Axis close to the junction. So, I happily parked my car there and walked to the building. As I walked I realize that I was the only one in our convoy who parked at the road side. My boss and Foo all parked inside the paid parking space. Aah sudah… dahlah aku park illegally, overly exposed pulak tu. So I turned back to move my car elsewhere, but there's a problem. I cannot make a U-turn there an then because at the place where I parked, there's a divider at the centre and if I really wanted to turn around I had to 2 U-turns which is quite far away and given the PJ road condition, it's not gonna take little time to do so. So, dengan pasrah dan penuh harapan that the police will not come because it had just stopped raining, I walked back to TNBT to join the meeting.
The meeting went well without any technical difficulties but there's something funny happened. The guy who chaired the meeting was the guy who was in the same office with my boss back in 1987 but they never had a chance to each other until today. Yalah, one guy had to go to Sungai Piah, complete the hydroelectricity project and then came back and became a lecturer while the other one remained at the office and got promoted. Hahaha.
After the meeting our team head to Section 8 Shah Alam to see the site which we are going to work in. It is a yet to be commissioned substation situated on a slope which had failed. So TNB delayed the commission of the substation in order to let us do our study on the affected slope.
After the visit, we called it a day and head home.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Different Ways to Sing Your Nursery Rhymes
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Jack and jill went up the hill,
To fatch a pail of water,
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after,
These are the lyrics of two of the most famous nursery rhymes. Do you still remember how to sing them?
Well I don't. But, this post is not about teaching you or reteaching you how to sing nursery rhymes, Its about the different ways to sing your nursery rhymes. Indian STYLE!!!
Check out these videos!!! In case you don't understand the words they saying, you can refer to the lyrics above...
I think this is the source of the craze over these Indian Nursery rhymes. Hahahaha.
Its taken from a 1970 hindi film Purab Aur Paschim.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
First Day @ Industrial Training
Yesterday was a hectic day, or izzit? I don't know… Is it my schedule that makes me run all about or it's just me who menyebok sana sini… Hehehe.
The day started pretty early, I woke up in the morning and said to myself, "Wah, today I'm unofficially gonna start my Industrial Training. But, then I just have to be there by 9.30 a.m. Hurm… it's still early". So I got off the bed, hit the showers and then head straight for the laptop.
Sempat lagi siapkan 1 proposal before my mom called for breakfast. The time was around 8.40 a.m. I was like, "ok.. lambat lagi..". I happily had my breakfast with my mom after quite a long time and finished eating like 9.00 a.m. and got ready to go.
I entered my car and cucuk the key in to start the engine. Once I start the car, I glanced at the clock. "HAAAAA!!! DAH PUKUL 9.20???" It was like I only got 10 minutes to reach the place where I would take 30 minutes on normal days. To get out from Putra Heights to reach the highway alone would take me 15 minutes. Mulalah I drive like a mad man… Pecut sana and cilok sini. I donno how many saman I got on yesterday alone. If I got any lah… The LDP got like 5 traffic cameras but I don't know which one is functioning on that day.
Finally after speeding at 160 km per hour on the Putrajaya stretch, I reached Uniten at 9.45 a.m. I drove in to the parking lot and saw something that eases my worry, "YESS, Dr Lee had just arrived, so they haven't left for the meeting yet".
I walked into the BN lobby and saw they all had gathered and ready to go. "Thank GOD, I'm saved". So, after greeting each other we went to TNBR for the meeting.
Upon our arrival, we were greeted by the engineer there who led the project. He then brought us into the swiss roll-shaped building. As I step into the building, I was struck with awe… It was HUGE!!! It got 3 separate blocks encased in the semi-cylinder shaped roof. We were brought past the forensic engineering area where they investigated the burnt substation components.
We got inside one of the building and got into the meeting room. Inside there, during the meeting, everything went well, we had our occasional laugh until the engineer from TNBR presented his part of the job. At that time, our group leader, Dr Lee who is my lecturer and also my project supervisor, showed his usual 'taring' at the engineer as he would with his students. He banged the engineer bertalu-talu until the engineer terdiam and donno what to say anymore. Hihihi.
After the meeting, I send my immideate boss Tn.Hj Sufian back to his office and since I haven't officially started work yet, I went straight to Amanah to surrender my apartment keys and also to pick up my Saudi roommate (now ex-roommate) for Friday prayer. He said he got his exam at 2 p.m. but I said to him "How can you have exams at 2 p.m.? I thought the earliest we could have the exams is at 2.30 p.m. since the prayers itself ends at 2 p.m.". He then called his classmate and then said that his classmate was not sure about the time. I then said "Never mind, the prayers should end slightly before 2 so meet me at the car directly after prayers and I'll send you to your exam room.
After the prayers I quickly sent him to admin building where he'll be having his exams. Upon arriving, we saw his professor walking by the road side… I said in my heart,"Duuuhhhh!!!"
After that, I went to do some errands and then went to Uniten Mosque to present my proposal for the community service program next semester. Right after my presentation, I got a message saying that my offer latter was ready for collection. So I went back to BN buiding to get my letter and to hand in my industrial training form. At the COE office I stumbled upon Zana which we then walked together to the IT briefing at BV lecture hall. As usual, the hall will be packed to the brim and I cannot hear a single thing. So we just stayed outside and chatted with the others. After that we walked back to COE office which I then stumbled with my co-authors at Every-Rant-Counts. The invited me to watch movie together, I said ok but since I hadn't had my lunch so I asked them to drop by for a drink first.
We went to Alamanda Putrajaya to watch Pantas dan Garang 4 (Fast and Furious 4. Hahaha) I don't really know how to rate a movie but I do enjoy watching it. The special effects are superb.
After spending time with the gang watching movie, I went back to Amanah with Afiq to his apartment. Perform Maghrib prayer and then took some rest. Then we went out again, this time we accompanied Arechong for dinner at The Village View, Bangi. Since I already had my popcorn dinner earlier, so I just had 1 piece of roti canai and air kosong. Then I went straight home.
At home, I took a shower, perform Isya' prayer and then went to bed. (or at least I thought I went to bed). I woke up being puzzled," Where am I?" I was not in my room. When I opened my eyes, everything looked different than my room. The color of the wall and even the brightness of the room was different from my room. For a while I tried to guess where I'm at. Rupa- rupanya I was in my living room on the couch. I thought I went to bed properly the night before but eventually I just landed on the couch and dozed off till morning.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
RC Project Marathon
Seeing my fellow classmate's blog makes me wanna write something about the RC Project Marathon. It was like, we went inside the room at DNIM building at 9 p.m. and only came out after 10.a.m. So, just imagine how crazy we were yesterday? That was even worse that studying last minute for exam. At least you sleep at 2 or 3 in the morning then continue after subuh right before you enter the exam hall. This time, we had to take turns to sleep. Ye lah, at least there's somebody to keep the project going. Haha, since I always blur when it comes to RC project so I assume myself as the group supporter. I went to buy stuff for them like mineral water and tidbits and then after 3 a.m. everyone got hungry so, me, Weipin and Nadia went out to ta-pao some food at YUS Kajang.
But among all I would like to salute these two people, Intan and Paan. I salute Intan because she very passionately stayed up the whole night without sleeping to finish the project. She really have a strong spirit and very determined to finish it by the time we present it to our lecturer. The second salute goes to Paan for being the brains and muscles in the group. He masterminded the steps in calculating and designing the project and also stayed up during the whole ordeal. Furthermore, he was the one who came to the rescue when we got banged by our lecturer thus saving everyone from being slaughtered alive. Apart from that I also salute the rest of the gang, Nad, Yana, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, Adah, Syu and also Weipin for staying together throughout the ordeal. hahah
So, I guess this is the last activity that we'll be doing together this semester, so I would like to wish all of you Selamat Menjalani penyeksaan Industrial Training where ever you do it.
My Life So Far
So far my life is full of mediocrity… OR izzit? I just finished my exams and project presentation. Gonna start Industrial Training soon. Too soon that in fact I'm gonna start today itself. I've been called by my supervisor to attend a meeting with TNBR and also TNB about the project that I'm gonna get involved in. To date, I still have not get my offer letter yet and I have yet to have the slightest idea on what I'm gonna do for the coming three months.
Haih~ I don't even get to rest for few days dah kene start Industrial Training. But, what the heck!! I hope this would be better than staying at home doing nothing… lagi tambah berat badan aku.
Haha… I told you pung pang pung pang bout what I'm gonna do but I haven't told you bout where I'm gonna do my IT. Actually I got an offer from Uniten during the Uniten Open Day. Since I haven't got any offer for placement for IT, (actually I got this syndrome of being afraid to finish what you do, so I prepared a gempak punya resume but I didn't send it to any company. Just send it to Miss V to be evaluated Haha) so I tak fikir panjang just accept the offer. But he asks me to send my resume and cover letter so I had to send my beautifully crafted resume to my lecturer.
Then summore, I got nominated to be the President-in-waiting to replace the current Acting President of Unicommserv. Hahaha lawak kan? So I planned something to be done for the next semester. I had the idea of what to do but I still don't have a good name to put for the plan. Maybe I could just name it "Codename Khai-to Serv" to be put on the proposal.
I'll spare the details of the program… Hahaha… so setakat ni for Program " Codename Khai-to-Srev"… detailsnya biarlah rahsia dulu…
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"KENUN" Facts #1
All animals that we know today, existed at the same time as the dinosaurs but due to their relatively smaller size, they survived the mass extinction when the meteorite hit the earth millions of years ago.
Enter the fish pond analogy...
Through my observation whenever the water pump in our fish pond doesn't work, its the biggest fish that died first. This is because the pump does no longer circulate the water which makes the water rich with dissolved oxygen. when this happen, the oxygen level in the pond will start to decrease. The larger fish, which were used to the oxygen rich conditions were the first ones to feel the struggle of oxygen depletion as they need more oxygen to survive.
What the analogy's got to do with dinosaur extinction?
It is officially known that the cause for the mass death of the dinosaurs were caused by the meteorites that hit Planet Earth millions of years ago. These impacts causes the whole atmosphere to be filled with dust and it coveres the earth surface for years. These dust particles block the sun rays from reaching the earth thus making photosintesis something wery hard to do. Without photosintesis, the plants were not able to produce oxygen thus making the oxygen reserve in the atmosphere to decrease. As with the fish pond analogy where the biggest fish died first in the event of oxygen depletion, So does the dinosaurs. The biggest reptiles will die first followed by other big species until, when the dust clears off the sky, all that's left on earth are mammals, birds, insects and also small reptiles.
"KENUN" Facts...
Well, that kinda gave me an idea to set up a new segment in my Blog whinc I will call the "KENUN" Facts. KENUN ( pron: Known) stands for being in the know of something no mattter of which importance.
in this segment, I will try my best to put in as much interesting facts that I found either through the constant wandering inti the Wonderful World of Web or through my readings elsewhere.
~~I better stop right now before I put more crap inside here~~
Hope to provide you with some KENUN-ness!!! and after this you all can become KENUNs.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Tagged by Iziq
1.How old are you?
22 Years 8 Months++
2. Are you single?
3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
Hopefully bu 26
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
Am I marriying 'Nobody'? Ofkos not...
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
Anyone!! When its time just tangkap terus kahwin.
6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
Hehehe. Can I have a garden wedding? I'd really love to...
7. Your ideal motif?
Simple but elegant.
8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
Mauritius. They have really beautiful private islets there.
9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
Around 100 only. Exclusive to close family and friends.
10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
Elegant but not neccesarily extravagant.
11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
Mane boleh Make up 2. X sah tau!!!
12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
5 layers... maybe... Ooooo. I love cake!!!
13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
Since this is a garden wedding, of course it would be held in a garden. Lake Gardens maybe?
14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
Morning - Akad Nikah
Evening - Wedding Reception
15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
Garden Wedding!!!! Get it???
16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom/bride?
Not neccesary since we're not gonna parade through the aisle.
17. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding?
Slow Instrumental. Encouraging conversation between the guests. and maybe a live percussion performance.
18. Are you a morning person or a night person?
19. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
20. What age do you want to get married?
I've answered this question. Refer question no 3
21. Describe your ideal husband/wife.
22. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
Preferably fine dining but given the Malaysian situiation, Maybe a mamak Buffet with variety kinds of dishes.
23. Champagne or red wine?
MANA BOLEH!!! HARAMMMMMMM!!!!!! Sirap sudengggggg!!!!
24. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Maybe a week after wedding. Kenela Sambut Menantu dulu. Adat penting maa.
25. Money or household item?
Both.... Hahahahah!!!!
26. Who will pay for the bills?
Hopefully I can pay for it myself. If not..... terpaksalah....
27. Are you ready for married life?
As Time progressed. I have moved on from the scared-of-having-commitment type of person to someone who are longing to have a relationship.
29. Will you always be true to your wife/husband? (where is question 28? haha)
Insyaallah. I am the loyal type.
30. How many kids do you like?
As many as I could have.
31. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
If I haven't bought a new one, then we might have to settle in an old one first.
32. Will you celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
Diamonds are foreverrrrr......
33. What kind of cuisine would you like for your wedding?
Fusion of many dishes of Malaysia. Got Malay, Chinese, Indian and also some other special cuisine.
34. Will you record your honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
Absolute NO. let private moments be kept in the heart.
So then.. the people I tag for this are...
I will not tag anyone in order to stop this chain tag from spreading. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! (villain style)