On January 11, 2009, my Nokia 6290 was announced dead on the operating table of a phone hospital. The official cause of death was damage of the main arteries in the neck area due to a freak accident that happened on December 27 2008. Due to the accident, the phone sufferes loss of visual on bothe of its screen. But apart from that, every other function seemed to have worked well. After 2 weeks of suffering, it was finally sent to a phone hospital where a surgeon repaired it back to its former glory. But, that repair doesn't last long. The next day the same thing happened. Having seen the surgeon performed the operation on my phone and not having him around, I took his tools and did the second surgery myself. After the surgery, it wnt okay for another 1 day before going black out again. This time, after 12 hours of surgery, The verdict is out. The main artery that connects the body with the flip head was damaged. The thing is not expensive to replace but having had a phone that comes directly from Taiwan and its not a common Nokia model in Malaysia, finding spare part would be a nightmare. so, the only choice right now is to lay it to rest until the spare part can be acquired of maybe to let it became a display item in the phone museum.
May you rest in peace...
p.s.: Now, I'm oficially worthless as all my posession either died or half dead. During the writing of this post, my laptop is undergoing a serious repair after being hit with an acute virus attack, My phone is oficially dead and I am yet to find its replacement and there's a giant hole in my pocket. Right now I'm Phone-less, Laptop-less, and also broke...
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