Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Yesterday evening I was called in for a meeting with the committee of the program "Di Ambang Ramadhan" which includes Prof. Dr Ibrahim and a bunch of other staff. Everything went nice until the meeting was over and I start to invite my friends to the program. That is when I realize that this weekend will be the most hectic weekend ever... I did ask around to get people to join the program but they all said that they have commitments on other programs on that very weekend.

The very first person I called was Afiq from the ping pong club and he said that they also will be organising a ping pong tournament this weekend. Huh... pity them lah, dahlah this is their first program, aku pergi kacau pulak.. haiyoh... ntahlah... So I change my plan not to invite the students to our ping pong tournament. Then, oklah kot... (I hope )

After that, I ask Nan to join the cooking contest. Die pulak cakap die handle Malam Suai Kenal Kelab Wawasan... Lagi!!!... ilang lagi 2-3puluh orang... x pe lah... (kecewa)

Then I ask pulak Akram to join, die pulak say that he got the SRM Kayaking day... huhuhu...
(nak nangis dah)

I gt to know that there are several other prorgams going on this weekend... I wonder how I'm gonna get people to attend this program nih....
Sumebody... pleaseeee help me......

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