Monday, December 8, 2008

Tagged by Qayyum

1. Khairil
2. Khai
3. Boss

1. 7.5.1986 (I was born)
2. 19.9.1999 (My sis was born)
3. 5.7.1984

1. Play with tools - can be any kind of stuff u can get at hardware shop
2. Drink a lot of happy stuff
3. Play a lot of happy stuff

1. Moby - Disco Lies
2. Pussycat dolls - I Hate This Part
3. Ragheb Alama - Naseny el-Donya

I don't really miss people. Once they're gone. They're gone! Next!

1. New Laptop
2. Cash
3. Bicycle

1. Constructing garden elements
2. Play with tools
3. Surfing the internet

1. Federated States of Micronesia
2. Tibet
3. Khazakstan

1. Prince Zuko - Avatar
2. Doraemon
3. Mickey Mouse

1. Mines
2. Alamanda
3. Jusco Cheras Selatan

1. Teh O Ais
2. watermelon
3. pineapple

1. Calculator
2. At least 1 note book
3. Another bag - just in case. I hate plastic bags

1. White
2. Black
3. Green

1. House
2. Masjid
3. Upten Foodcourt

1. Mom's cooking
2. Ceasar's Salad
3. Ulam Kaduk

1. My Car
2. My cat Molly
3. My Bedroom

1. Call companies to sponsor the Career Carnival 09
2. Class RC2
3. Setup for CS ISLB123

1. Tagged by Qayyum
2. Bugged by Arechong to fill in this survey
3. Just woke up and need to check my time table

1. Busy calling companies
2. classes
3. Finishing this tag

1. Al
2. Rizk
3. Onny
4. Afiq

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ironies in Life

As usual, my holidays will be spent at my father's office and as usual, I'll be doing errands for him like sending letters, collect cheques, send reports,and etc. One day I went upstairs to his library and saw an old report lying on the floor. I picked it up and saw the title, "Soil Investigation Report for Proposed Road Works from Kuala Kangsar to Sauk". I My Father wrote that report. Ironically, that report was the results of tests done by my father on the very road that almost claim his life. (Ive posted that in my previous entry)

Looking at the date of the report, it was written in August 1998. Exactly 10 years before that accident which occurs on August 11, 2008.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Timid Little Boy... Part 2

At the boarding school, he learned to better himself. He learned how to project himself in public, how to be a good speaker, and how to take command of himself and command others. But, during those years, all he had learned had built a tough shell on the outside to protect the timidness inside him. He might be able to project himself well in public but deep inside him, he was just a timid little boy.

The exams came and soon he's gonna have to leave the school.

Then it was time for college. He enrolled in one of the local university to study Biology. Upon entering his first class at the university, something caught his attention. It was the sight of a tall fair and beautiful figure that happens to sit just beside him. that's the point where he know (or at least he thought) that she was the one for him. At first they were normal friends but then he started calling her and they chatted for long hours every night.

Note: Cerpen ini adalah rekaan semata-mata. Tiada kaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang telah meninggal dunia

Afraid of being frustrated again, he maintained their relationship as close friends. For three years he kept his feelings towards her a secret for fear of being heartbroken. He thought he was happy that way but never he knew how wrong he was. The truth was, that all of her friends knew about his feelings towards her and how foolish he was for not telling it. They then confronted him and said not to love her anymore for it will surely break his heart. And it did break his heart. Weeks after that, he learned that his dream girl was already taken by another guy. Upon knowing it, he cried. He cried not for losing the girl but for how he was such a loser for not telling her the truth about his feelings.

He felt useless, helpless and that he was a real loser upon knowing that the girl had waited for him too. But having waited for too long and not wanting to end up heartbroken, she resulted in accepting a guy she had met in the cafeteria.

The timid little boy was devastated. His heart was crushed into tiny pieces. He locked himself in his room and refused to eat. He cried days and nights until one windy day, he looked out of the window of his twelveth storey apartment. He opened the window and let the strong breeze in. he stood by the window, closes his eyes, he took a real deep breath and...

* * *
The residents at lower floos heard a loud thud and screams of the people. They investigated and found the timid little boy sprawled on the tarmac. The timid little boy had died. He died heartbroken...

A Timid Little Boy... Part 1

Once there was a timid little boy who likes a girl. He bought her chocolates and gifts but never did he said anything for he was a timid little boy. Because the little boy was so timid, he was ignored by that girl. Not feeling overly frustrated, he tried again. He found another girl on his way back home. Quickly they became friends and since they lived close to each other, they became walking companion. This time, the boy stopped riding his bike so that he would be able to walk by her side. One day, after gaining a lot of courage, the timid little boy opened up his feelings for the girl. But all the strength that he has gathered was of no use as he was only to find out that the girl had made her promise to another guy ONE day earlier. Frustrated, he quitted walking, went back to cycling, took another route home and never saw that girl again.

The next schooling year, he found himself fallen for another girl and also found out that he got a secret admirer. But, being foolish and naive, he couldn't comprehend with the idea of him having a secret admirer that he made a series of foolish acts. Not knowing that the girl who likes him was a friend of the girl he had fallen for, he ended up being hated by both of them. Well, that's what people call 'Monkey Love'. Feeling really upset, he restricted himself within a small group of friends and studied as hard as he could. Then, came the examinations and he scored himself with the most no of A's anyone can get.

With the results, the timid little boy was accepted into a boarding school. He thought that this is a chance to start a new life and to leave behind his past frustrations. Being new to the idea of living without parents, he got drifted away and soon found out that his life was just as miserable as he was before.

To be continued...

Note: This story is purely fictionous. Does not have anything to do with those who are alive or already dead.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Sajak Kemerdekaan

51 Tahun Dahulu...

51 Tahun dahulu
Telah berdiri semua bangsaku
telah bersama mereka laungkan
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

51 Tahun dahulu
Suasana penuh bangga
Mereka telahpun berjaya
Memerdekakan diri mereka
Membebaskan diri dari penjajah durjana

51 tahun dahulu
Kemerdekaan diisi
Dengan keringat dan darah merah menyala
Dengan kesatuan antara semua bangsa
Dengan usaha berhenti tiada

Tapi kini...
51 tahun telahpun berlalu
Kemerdekaan kini diisi
Dengan hilai awa disana-sini
Dengan party hingga dinihari
Dengan arak dan ecstacy
Dengan Mat Rempit seolah membunuh diri
Dengan penagih, berlonggok di pusat Serenti

51 tahun telahpun berlalu
Apakah masih merdeka jiwa mereka?
Apakah mesih merdeka jiwa kita?
Apakah masih merdeka jiwaKU?

51 tahun telahpun berlalu...
Wahai pemimpin negara
Bantulah kami
Generasi muda pelapis kepimpinan
Kami tak kenal apa itu merdeka
Kami tak tahu apa itu kebebasan
Pada kami, Merdeka hanya sekadar laungan yang kosong
Yang kosong dari sebarang makna
Tanpa jiwa
Tanpa pengertian

Nukilan - Chaeryl Zachary Young - 30 Ogos 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Press Statement From the Office of the Opposition Leader


Today Pakatan Rakyat leaders have submitted a letter to the Prime Minister requesting him to call an emergency session of Parliament to deliberate a motion of censure against the leadership of YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi no later than Tuesday 23 September 2008.

This is in accordance with Order 11(3) of the Standing Orders of Parliament and warrants an immediate response given the gravity of today’s political impasse. A delay in his response would be interpreted as nothing short of a further sabotage of the democratic process and abuse of Executive Power.

The Prime Minister’s haggling on the syntax of our first letter is puerile at best. The intent of our meeting as described in that letter was clearly to discuss the future course of the nation’s leadership – though in deference to his position and in accordance with acceptable norms we remain considerate and polite in our approach.

I find the Prime Minister’s comment about me in his press conference yesterday to be reckless and irresponsible in light of the disastrous outcome of last Friday’s ISA raids.

He has conflated what is essentially an issue of democracy, freedom and the rule of law with national security. The use of the ISA to harass and detain duly elected political opponents is a grave transgression of the law and its continued use would further erode confidence in the current government and exacerbate political instability.

As the incumbent Prime Minister actively holding office and exercising all Executive powers, and as the outgoing Finance Minister, we hold him fully accountable for the current political turmoil and mismanagement of the nation’s economy. His accusation that I have had an adverse impact on the nation’s economy is entirely without basis.

I have met with the key fund managers in the region, representing over USD 1 trillion in assets, and on multiple occasions they were unanimously in support of comprehensive reforms in Malaysia including judicial independence, a free media, a more professional police force and anti-corruption agency, investor friendly laws and assurances on the non-interference of politicians in the governance of Bank Negara. These are policies Pakatan Rakyat has promised to implement– and initiatives that the current administration has done virtually nothing to advance since March 8th.

Leader of Opposition
De-facto leader, Keadilan

Press Statement From the Office of the Opposition Leader



The UMNO led BN government is again using the brute force of the ISA to assault those brave and courageous Malaysians who speak out in the name of truth and integrity about the abuses of power, corruption and racism perpetuated by the ruling clique.

I reiterate my unequivocal opposition to the ISA and condemn the unjustified and illegal detention of blogger and social activist Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Seputeh MP and Selangor State Executive Committee Member YB Teresa Kok and Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng.

On March 8th and again on August 26th, the Malaysian people expressed their support at the polls for a government that is more accountable and that fulfills its mandate as representative of the people. The UMNO-led BN government has ignored this call. Instead of pursuing a reform agenda it has chosen to burn the country to save itself and to maintain its odious grip on power.

We ask the government how far it is willing to go to usurp justice and destroy the institutions of good governance in its attempt to drive the Malaysian people against each other?

We vehemently reject the racial politics used by politicians in the UMNO-led BN government as an attempt to deflect from internal strife within UMNO, and promise that leaders in the Pakatan Rakyat are committed to and capable of building a peaceful, democratic, multiracial society.

We allude to the statement issued by Pakatan Rakyat on 8 September reiterating our full commitment to constitutional guarantees including the position of Islam as the religion of the federation, the freedom to practice other religions, Bahasa Melayu as the national language and the freedom to practice mother tongue languages, and the status of the Malay kings and the special position of the Malays and bumiputera.

I urge the government to assure the Malaysian people that this politically motivated operation is over. As citizens of a nation that professes to adhere to the spirit of its Constitution, we refuse to live another night in fear.

Those who have been detained under the ISA should be released immediately. We will offer every conceivable support to our friends and their families as they face this ordeal.

Opposition Chief
De-facto leader, Keadilan

Monday, September 15, 2008

Selamat Menyambut Hari Malaysia!!!

Generally, all of us Malaysian know that on August 31, 1957 Persekutuan Tanah Melayu got its indipendence from the British. But, Malaysia was not formed until the 16th of September 1963 when Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined the Federation. (Singapore then expelled from the Federation on August 9, 1965). So, Malaysia Day should be considered as equally important to all Malaysians as August 31, 1957 was not the independence day for those in Sabah and Sarawak. Here's a little bit of history for you... Happy Malaysia Day!!!

p.s: Starting from next year, September 16 will be named National Day and given a status of a public holiday while August 31 will be called Independence Day.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Global Warming

OTTAWA (Reuters) - A huge 19 square mile (55 square km) ice shelf in Canada's northern Arctic broke away last month and the remaining shelves have shrunk at a "massive and disturbing" rate, the latest sign of accelerating climate change in the remote region, scientists said on Tuesday.
They said the Markham Ice Shelf, one of just five remaining ice shelves in the Canadian Arctic, split away from Ellesmere Island in early August. They also said two large chunks totaling 47 square miles had broken off the nearby Serson Ice Shelf, reducing it in size by 60 percent.
"The changes ... were massive and disturbing," said Warwick Vincent, director of the Centre for Northern Studies at Laval University in Quebec.
Temperatures in large parts of the Arctic have risen far faster than the global average in recent decades, a development that experts say is linked to global warming.
"These substantial calving events underscore the rapidity of changes taking place in the Arctic," said Derek Mueller, an Arctic ice shelf specialist at Trent University in Ontario.
"These changes are irreversible under the present climate and indicate that the environmental conditions that have kept these ice shelves in balance for thousands of years are no longer present," he said in an e-mailed statement from the research team sent late on Tuesday.
Mueller said the total amount of ice lost from the shelves along Ellesmere Island this summer totaled 83 square miles -- more than three times the area of Manhattan island.
The figure is more than 10 times the amount of ice shelf cover that scientists estimated on July 30 would vanish from around the island this summer.
"Reduced sea ice conditions and unusually high air temperatures have facilitated the ice shelf losses," said Luke Copland of the University of Ottawa.


"Extensive new cracks across remaining parts of the largest remaining ice shelf, the Ward Hunt, mean that it will continue to disintegrate in the coming years," he said.
The first sign of serious recent erosion in the five shelves came in late July, when sheets of ice totaling almost eight square miles broke off the Ward Hunt shelf. Since then that shelf has lost another 8.5 square miles
Ellesmere Island was once home to a single enormous ice shelf totaling around 3,500 square miles. All that is left of that shelf today are the four much smaller shelves that together cover little more than 300 square miles
Scientists say the ice shelves, which contain unique ecosystems that had yet to be studied, will not be replaced because they took so long to form.
The rapid melting of ice in the Canadian Arctic archipelago worries Ottawa, which fears foreign ships might try to sail through the waters without seeking permission first.
Last week Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Canada would toughen reporting requirements for ships entering its waters in the Far North, where some of those territorial claims are disputed by the United States and other countries.
(Editing by Alan Elsner)
Copyright © 2007 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Saiful Bukhari has NOT Been Sodomised yet !!!

HAHAHAHA!!!! Found this video in In this video Saifool said he "was" sodomised on 26/8/08. That would be next week. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! LOL

Arif Shah is "KUFUR" ??

Quoted here is a newspaper article from

Nombor tiga petanda baik bagi Arif Shah mulakan kempen pilihan

16/08/2008 4:13pm

BUKIT MERTAJAM 16 Ogos — Calon Barisan Nasional (BN), Datuk Arif Shah
Omar Shah berkata beliau begitu bersemangat untuk berjuang memenangi pilihan
raya kecil Parlimen Permatang Pauh walaupun menghadapi Penasihat Parti Keadilan
Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Arif Shah, 51, juga menyifatkan pemilihannya sebagai calon nombor tiga
dalam kertas pencalonan pada pilihan raya kecil pada 26 Ogos ini sebagai petanda
baik untuk beliau memulakan kempennya.

Beliau, yang fasih bertutur bahasa Mandarin dan Hokkien, berkata nombor
tiga atau “san” dalam Mandarin membawa maksud “bukit” atau tempat yang tinggi
dan ini memberi semangat kepadanya untuk berjuang memenangi pilihan raya

Ketika ditemui pemberita selepas proses penamaan calon, Arif Shah gembira
proses penamaan calon di Dewan Aminuddin Baki, Institut Perguruan Tuanku Bainun
di sini berjalan lancar.

“Saya rasa sungguh bersemangat lebih-lebih lagi ramai pemimpin BN yang
turun memberikan sokongan,” kata Arif Shah, yang juga Anggota Dewan Undangan
Negeri Seberang Jaya. - Bernama

That' what he has said. We all know that Muslims are forbidden to believe moreover to rely on fortune telling as it is against the basis if the Islamic Faith. Now lets hear what the Islamic Scholars have to say.

As you can see, that guy doesn't even respect and follow the teachings of Islam, how are you, the Muslim residents of Permatang Pauh supposed to elect him as your leader? If he can betray Islam just like that, imagine what can he do to you?

Are WE Safe Here in Putra Heights?

Konstabel dituduh rogol pelajar di balai polis
Jul 18, 08

Seorang konstabel mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen di
Petaling Jaya hari ini terhadap tuduhan merogol seorang pelajar perempuan di
Balai Polis Putra Heights, kira-kira sebulan lalu.

Jamil Abdul Sah, 27, didakwa merogol gadis berusia 17 tahun itu di
bilik maklumat, balai berkenaan antara jam 6 dan 7 pagi, 18 Jun

Dia didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu mengikut Seksyen 376(2)(f) Kanun
Keseksaan dan jika disabitkan boleh dipenjara sehingga 30 tahun dan juga

Jamil juga mengaku tidak bersalah, di tempat dan masa yang sama, atas
pertuduhan meminta mangsa melakukan seks di luar tabii, demikian menurut

Bagi kesalahan itu dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 377 B Kanun Keseksaan dan
jika sabit kesalahan boleh dipenjara sehingga 20 tahun dan boleh juga
disebat.Peguambela Ariff Azami Hassan, yang mewakili Jamil ketika rayuan,
berkata Jamil adalah penanggung tunggal keluarga dan mempunyai dua anak serta

Penolong Pendakwa Raya Norshamsinar Mohamad memohon agar mahkamah tidak
menawarkan ikat jamin kerana kesalahan yang dilakukan adalah satu kesalahan
serius dan jika tertuduh dilepaskan dibimbangi dia akan mengganggu pelajar dan
saksi pendakwa.

Hakim Balqis Ain Mohd Ali kemudian menetapkan ikat jamin RM15,000 dengan
seorang penjamin dan menetapkan 22 Oktober depan untuk tarikh perbicaraan.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Massive Landslide

During the holidays, I was priviledged to get to follow a group of geologists on their field trip to study a site of a landslide. The landslide was located at Fraser's Hill. It was so massive it measures 1.3 kilometres long and it cuts through 2 roads located in its path which was The Gap - Fraser's Hill road and Kuala Kubu Bharu - Raub road.
Get the sense of its enormity?
The landslide cuts through the earth like melted butter.

During a landslide, the usually hard soil will assume a liquid form. That's why the path follows te earth's contour.

The top end of the landslide.

The Gap - Fraser's Hill Road

Completely cut off.

The scar runs so deep. (this picture was taken from the tip of the collapsed road section)

The KKB - Raub Road that is situated in the middle span of the landslide which sustained a heavy damage and the huge boulders being deposited there. (note that only half of the bridge remained intact. the other half had been carried away by the landslide all the way to to the bottom)

This boulder measures as big as a trailer head. (on top of the boulder you can see that the bedrock being exposed by the landslide)
Water gushing down from the ruins of the bridge.

Workers are busy repairing damaged road section.

And some more pictures that I don't think I need to explain .

According to the geologists, the landslide was triggered at just below The Gap-Fraser's Hill new road due to poor irigation of the stream on the site. It then pulls together the road section and deposited them all 1.3 kilometres away in a river down the hill.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Martin Solveig - C'est La Vie

This video has some really cool dance moves. Enjoy!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

How To Be A Popular Young Blogger In Malaysia

Want to be a popular young Malaysian blogger? Here are some useful tips:

Firstly, know your readers or traffic. They are upper secondary school children and those in their twenties.

These are the people who love to read or rather see simple, fun and entertaining stuff. Leave all those political rantings or social commentaries to the older boring Malaysian bloggers or readers.

I know many would argue that most of these so-called young Malaysian bloggers are not actually blogger per se. They don't actually write a lot of quality content. They just paste photos after photos of some cats, food, screwed-up signboards or lots of superimposed pictures.

Anyway, it is for the younger readers to judge. Yes, I know some older folks might find these young bloggers sense of humor childish or silly. Nothing witty or really funny. Just some trite captions to the photos. Cut and paste, superimpose or whatnot. But that is what their readers want, ok?

Forget about pompous language or some heavy intelectual stuff. These young readers want to have a good time and not listening to your long lecture. Just write short posts and always remember never short of pictures. The more the better.

I'm sure you've read or even have written those simple comments in some of those young popular blogs. The comments are mostly short and silly. Ranging from "LOL" to "very funny lah!" . You don't find long intelligent or argumentative comments in these young popular blogs.

To sum it up, know your readers, plaster lots of pictures, brush up your photoshop skills and ignore those old bloggers or readers.

*copied from -

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Raya Shopping Craze has Begun!!!

This morning I went to Mydin Mall in USJ 1 to buy some groceries. Much to my surprise (not really suprizing actually but felt quite awkward) the atmosphere at the mall is pretty much like its going to Raya soon although Raya is 1 and a half months away and its not even the month of Ramadhan yet. All the decorations and also the promotional items are all set to be in the Raya mode.

Cadbury is among the earliest to set up its raya promotion!!

The customers, not to miss the Merdeka month sale, are also busy shopping for their Raya preparations.

There are aisles upon aisles of Baju Melayu of all sizes.

Songkoks of all sizes and designs.

Baju Kurungs

Cookie containers

And not to miss...

Kuih Raya!!!!!

So not to miss out on the shopping craze (while I still have someone to sponsor for my clothing) I grab myself a Baju Melayu from a boutique nearby.

While I was busy trying out my Baju Melayu, I heard the conversation between my mother and the boutique owner. The boutique owner said that she had sold out the first batch of her Baju Melayu's and still had to order more baju.

Anyway, since the shopping craze has begun, we're going shopping again tomorrow. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MAHA 1st visit

Yesterday me and my friends Alwyn, Qayyum and Rizwan went to the Malaysian Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Show 2008 held in Mardi grounds just nearby from our place. We went there on the first hour it was opened to public.

From left: Alwyn, Arechong and Qayyum upon arrival at the main gate and tram terminal.

They projected Pak Lah's speech from inside the convention hall but no one's watching.

Nice vegetable pergola

Another view of the vege pergola

"Petola" on the Pergola

Bitter gourd and winter melon (kundur) being planted on the pergola

Salad Column

Rock melon

Beautifully decorated edible garden

Monday, August 11, 2008

Life is Delicate...

Subhanallah!! Just now as I was ready to sleep, my mother came into my room. Her face was grim. She told me that Father had a car accident near Kati in Kuala Kangsar. He was on his way to Gerik to check on his project site. A friend of his was driving the car when the tragedy happened. At first, I couldn't believe what I have heard but after being repeated several times only the reality struck me that it really happened. Alhamdulillah. Thank God that my father only had a minor injury and was quickly sent by his convoy mates to Kuala Kangsar Hospital to get his outpatient treatment. The car driver and his other friend however escaped uninjured but the same fate doesn't happen to the car. Our Toyota Hilux was badly wrecked by the accident (the same thing happened to our Toyota Land Cruiser II 6 years ago but this time its worse).

Why does this thing happen?

Thus it got me thinking.

How vulnerable life is. I dare not to write anymore...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Perfect Wedding

While this article was written, I just came back from Bukit Subang. Me and my family attended a wedding that I can consider the most perfect wedding that I have attended so far. Compared to grander wedding receptions in Brunei and in KL which I have attended, this one is a little bit moderate in the budget but but the sense of grandeur can still be felt. And because this is a wedding of an officer in the office of the prominent Mufti of Perlis, it gives a glimpse of a wedding reception as guidelined by the Prophet P.B.U.H. himself through his Sunnah - alive with muslim practices in a wedding but doesn't lose the grandness. It got everything that a wedding could have, plus - extra menu that really satisfies the guest ( got laksa penang, curry laksa, satay, including nasi kandar as its main menu) minus - wedding practices that doesn't comply with islamic guidelines (such as bersanding, makan beradat, cake cutting and also a sort of weird tradition where the bride became the model for rented gowns - sometimes up to 7 different fittings being paraded one after another while the guests are eating in the midday sun).

Thus, it makes me wonder what would my wedding be like?...

Insyaallah if God permits, my wedding would be a lovely reception with a not-too-long guest list with a little touch of exclusivity. Maybe it could be held in a garden where beautifully decorated tents are set up within the trees and cleverly placed lights help to bring the atmosphere alive. Possible venues for the reception includes Lake Gardens, Taman Tasik Permaisuri and even the park in front of our house.

All wedding practices or adats that doesn't comply with Islamic teachings would be given a big NO!. There would be no bersanding, no makan beradat where you have spoon the food into your mouth while crossing hands with your new wife. Men and women would be separated which I see would bring more interaction between guests.

Since all great weddings that I have attended in the past year were done at night, I think mine would also be done at night (remember about the cleverly placed lights, who would turn the lights on in broad daylight?) It would be done in a formal reception format where the guests will not just come-eat-and chow but would follow the program tentative.

Instead of showing off the newlyweds, other forms of entertainment will be held to make the reception cheerful. I would love to have a drums performance in the middle of the reception and some music that are sampled from the entire world. All would be made within islamic toleration.

Here are my thoughts for now. Hehehehe.....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Forest Destruction at Its Worst

Last weekend, I went on a work trip to Hutan Simpanan Kekal Raja Musa (Raja Musa Permanent Forest Reserve) in Batang Berjuntai, Selangor.

The only thing that is left to remind the people that this area used to be a forest reserve.

A single tree in the middle of nowhere.

A bulldozer


Monday, July 7, 2008

A Message From the Past...

Today, while I was wandering aimlessly in the vast cyberspace, I stumbled upon a video from way back in time. To be exact, from the year 1981. It is actually a music video performed by a hit musical group of that time, Boney M and the song is entitled We Kill the World...

This could be a clear evidence that the effort to save our planet earth has been going on since the 80's or maybe earlier.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Iju, I'm Sorry!!

Humans are created with different set of responsibilities and priorities and these responsibilities and priorities can change in time. There are different levels of responsibilities and our religion, Islam has put a very clear guideline in priortizing on these responsibilities.

In this Al-Hadith Ibn Umar (may God bless his soul) was reported to have said: "What does Allah like the most?". The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) answered: "performing solat on time". "And then?", asked the man. The Prophet answered:" Doing good to your parents". "And then?", he asked again. The Prophet answered: " Doing Jihad in the path of Allah". [Muttafaq Alaih]

This Hadith clearly put the task of serving ones parents at the second most important priority after serving God Himself and even more important than sacrificing your soul for jihad. This has been repeated many times in various other hadiths. Even our Holy Quran mentioned that we need to prioritize our parents before any other things.

And We have enjoined on man goodness to his parents, and if they contend with you that you should associate (others) with Me, of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them, to Me is your return, so I will inform you of what you did. 29:8 [Surah Al-Ankabut]

(I think this should put this article on track)

I'm Sorry...

its not that I'm avoiding you or I don't want to work with you. Its just that a tremendous amount of responsibility has been put on me and I have to make it work. I know that its been hard on you for your information, its really hard for me too. I am put in a situation where I have to choose whether to help a friend on his responsibility or to help my own dad who had waited every year for times like this so that he could have his own son th help ease his burden.

Unlike other students who had their own scholarships or at least PTPTN to help them get through college, I am fully funded by my dad who had worked very hard every day just to get me through another year of college and I really felt that I had failed him by failing yet another subject in my final exam. I bet that he must've felt very dissapointed by that because like any other investor, he must have wanted to see something good in his years of investment. So, I'm taking this opportunity to make it up to him. Or at least to tell him that I'm worth investing on.

Really sorry...

Since my brother left for PLKN last month, he'd always be expecting me to help him. The two of them has been running the business since my brother was in Form 5. So, this can be considered as my father's time of need and I would feel that I betrayed his hope on me.

Really really sorry...

With this article, I'm really sorry if I, in any manner, betrayed you and my friends, because I think that when a choice had to be made, its better to betray your own friends rather than betraying your own parents.

My SUPER Sweet 22nd Birthday

For my birthday this year, my father bought me the biggest and most expensive present I have ever received in my entire life.

The present may be very expensive , but it can never match the gifts that my parents had given me every day. Although these gifts might be very small and cheap, nothing else in the world is more valuable to me. It is the gift of LOVE so pure, it flows like spring water, crystal clear straight to the heart. Like spring water that has never stopped flowing, their love for me has never died for me from the very moment of my birth, until I'm this old. Without their love, I would not have survived the world. Thank You Mom and Dad for loving me each day!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Satu Lagi Projek Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (Yang Runtuh)

Malam Jumaat yang lalu saya mendapat panggilan dari adik saya yang sedang mengikuti program PLKN di Kem Kubena, Sipitang, Sabah. Katanya pada pukul 10 pagi hari keesokan harinya mereka akan diangkut keluar dari kem mereka dan dibawa balik ke Semenanjung untuk meneruskan modul PLKN mereka. Ini disebabkan kem mereka terpaksa ditutup akibat tanah runtuh yang melanda kem tersebut. Saya difahamkan bahawa sebelum ini telah berlaku kes tanah runtuh sebanyak beberapa kali tetapi ia melibatkan kawasan-kawasan seperti padang kawad. Akan tetapi tanah runtuh kali ini berlaku terlalu hampir dengan asrama kediaman para pelatih menyebabkan keseluruhan kem tersebut terpaksa ditutup.

Menurut adik saya lagi, tanah runtuh tersebut berlaku hanya kira-kira 1 meter dari bangunan asrama mereka. Runtuhan juga turut menjejaskan keselamatan asrama pelatih perempuan yang berada di atas cerun yang runtuh tersebut.

Sehingga kini tiada sebarang berita tentang penutupan kem ini disiarkan samaada di saluran media arus perdana mahupun Internet.

Mendengarkan berita tersebut, ayah saya yang merupakan seorang pakar kajibumi telah menghubungi sahabat beliau di Sabah untuk mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai isu ini. Menurut beliau, kem tersebut telah dibina secara tergesa-gesa di atas kawasan tanah tinggi kira-kira 5 tahun dahulu tanpa merujuk kepada Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains yang mengawalselia pembangunan di kawasan cerun bukit. Cerun-ceru bukit tersebut telah dipotong secara semberono tanpa diberikan perlindungan secukupnya sebelum pembinaan dimulakan.

Open Letter to Deputy Prime Minister

Today, as I was wandering in the cyberspace, I stumbled across an open letter which I found to be very interesting. So, I decided to copy it and paste it in my blog. This letter is posted in Damien 'Baba' Yeo's blog, The Advocate.

Open Letter to the Deputy Prime Minister

To the Deputy Prime Minister,

As a Malaysian, I am proud of what YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng did in appointing a Gerakan member as a director of a Penang agency. That actually reflects a lot of maturity for the betterment of the people in Penang. I think that is what I call a statesmanship. And it is in my opinion an attitude for all CMs or MBs to follow. This goes beyond party affiliation, race, gender or religion. Nothing but a united Malaysian for the purposes of serving the people in Penang.

I am also proud of Datuk Datuk Lee Kah Choon though a loyal Gerakan man in accepting the position not for himself BUT for the people of Penang.

So Datuk Seri, shame of you for demanding Gerakan to state their stand. I think you should not force even the Gerakan leadership to explain. This shows that either BN or the leadership of BN is immature, still arrogant and all the more stupid and foolish. Simply - 'IDIOT'. No wonder this country is in the state of hopelessness and despair.

You are so wrong to state that members of Barisan Nasional component parties should not work for the opposition. Can't members of the BN coalition works for the sake of the people. Is it so wrong for the BN to work with the Penang State Government? Isn't it good for the people?

As such I think it is about time for you, Mr. Deputy Prime Minister to consider resigning from your position as you are the Deputy Prime Minister to all Malaysians regardless of political affiliation. I am totally disgusted with your attitude though you graduated from the United Kingdom. You, being a Nottingham University graduate should be more like minded as you are very much aware in the UK, there's nothing wrong in working with the Opposition for the sake of the people. As such Malaysians don't accept this threatening statements by leaders of the arrogant BN and UMNO.


A fed up Malaysian

I think this "Monggolian Idiot' doesn't realize that his luck is going to run out and still going around with his ego. There will be a day where he will feel the consequences of his actions. God willing...

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Case of Selangor Pg Farming: An Explanation

The Selangor Modern Pig Farming is a pending issue that has been approved by the State Government of Selangor led by the former Mentri Besar Dato' Seri Dr. Khir Toyo on 30th January 2008.

It is done to gather all pig farming activities that are scattered throughout the state and place them in one compound.

Currently, there are 132 pig farms in this state covering the area of 475 acres. the farms have a total of 257,521 pigs and suplies 3000 pigs or equivalent to 300 tonnes per day to consumers around Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.

The pigs are raised in traditional way and this has caused a lot of problems such as water pollution, odour, and loss of aesthetic values in areas surrounding the farms.
The previous government led by Barisan Nasional was not able to handle these problems especially in the aspects of monitoring and law enforcement.

Reasons to carry out the project

This project is expected to ease the government in monitoring the pig farming activity against:
  • The spread of deadly viruses such as Japanese Encaphalitis (JE) and the Nipah Virus.
  • Water, river, sea and air pollution.
  • seepage of sewage into the ground water.
  • illegal farms that are built without lisence.


The location at Ladang Tumbuk, Mukim Batu, Kuala Langat, Selangor is selected because:

  • The plot of land is private owned.
  • It is currently the largest farm in Selangor.
  • Situated in the downstream area and is not a source of drinking water.
  • The area has the largest majority of the ethnic chinese.

The Technology

Wastes produced by the farm is processed in an anaerobic digester to produce biofuel gas that contain Methane, Hydrogen Sulphide, Nitrogen Oxide, Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide. The Biofuel gas will be used to generate the electricity to power the pig farm and provide air-conditioning to the farm itself.

The treated waste water from the farm will not be released into the river but instead used to clean the pig pen and to water the crops to feed the pigs.


The funds for the project that costs RM100 million will not come from the state government. It will be sourced from:-

  • The pig farmers.
  • Local investors
  • investors from Germany


Overall, this air-conditioned pig farming will reduce:-

  • costs of operations
  • emmisions of green house gasses
  • odour
  • water and irrigation pollution.

This project will be a private funded project which means that the state government does not spend a singe cent on this project.

industries such as pig slughtering and cold room could also be implimented and the system monitoring that records the in and out flow would be much easier.


This issue has been deliberately used by UMNO by twisting the facts for their political survival. it is a planned CONSPIRACY towards Pakatan Rakyat that has been elected by the people to lead the state government.Seen here in the picture is Dato' Dr Karim Mansor the Tanjung Sepat State Assemblyman together with a village head of Kampung Ladang Tumbuk in a pig pen in Germany in 2007. He were there to discuss the possibility of bringing the German technology back here in Malaysia. This confirms that the project was owned by the previous Barisan Nasional government.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Go Green Malaysian Way!!

Click to enlarge.

The picture shows what Al Gore said about 10 simple things to do to help stop global warming.

While most of what he said is really going to have an impact if done in a global scale, some of the steps might not be applicable here in our beloved country Malaysia as we don't use thermostat in our houses and the lousy public transportation means that we will always be late no matter where our destination is. Anyway, what he presented in the picture above is based on his background living in the United States and it is made for his American folks.

So here is my version of the 10 simple steps to top up the ones presented by Al Gore to suit the lifestyles of us Malaysians.

1. Just say, "Tak payah plastik", whenever you go shopping.

  • Bring your own 'Tote Bag' (or shopping bag or just simply a used plastic bag tucked in the boot of your car) whenever you go shopping.
  • Refuse to receive plastic bags (especially small ones which would usually end up in the garbage bins and not reused) if you buy things in a small quantity that you can hold in your hand (e.g. 1loaf of bread or 1 can of pet food).
  • If you shop at a hypermarket, try to reduce the amount of plastic bags used by using the ‘paid’ sticker instead of multiple bags for bulky items such as rice, watermelons and other stuffs.

2. Have the habit to switch off the lights after you use them.

  • This is a habit usually stressed by the older generation especially those who were born before the electricity comes to Malaysia.
  • They did that because they really appreciate the electricity that lights their house and doesn't want it to just go to waste.

So turn off the lights! Turn off the lights!

3. If you can't turn it off, put a timer to it.

  • Installing a timer is a good way to save on electricity. It doesn’t have to be the expensive built-in ones. The cheap one that you can get at most hypermarkets would do. You can get one for as cheap RM 12. (Also sold at IKEA for about the same price).
  • A properly set timer allows the light to be turned on and off at the designated time. This saves electricity as it only turns on at certain times instead of the whole day especially when no one is at around. This is ideal for those who travel frequently.
  • The timer also adds the sense of security to the house by mimicking the action of turning the lights on and off as if someone is in the house.

4. Drive less.

  • Walk, bike, carpool or take public transport more often. You'll save 1.5kg of carbon dioxide for every 5km you don't drive!

5. If you really can’t live without driving, drive sensibly.

  • If you don’t believe me you can try it by yourself.
  • Driving at 130 km/h consumes ¼ more fuel than at the speed of 100 km/h.
  • Avoid hard acceleration as it puts a huge burden on your engine.

6. Eat less meat or just be a vegetarian.

  • It is estimated that farming produces 15% of the world’s greenhouse gasses.
  • The 1.3 billion cattle farmed throughout the world can produce over 100 million tonnes of methane in a year!

7. Plant trees or build a garden

  • Malaysia is blessed with the tropical climate which means that trees can grow rapidly without much care and can be planted all year round.
  • We are also blessed with a vast variety of trees and plants that are suitable to grow in the hot climate.
  • A single tree will absorb one tonne of carbon dioxide over its lifetime
  • Gardens can be made at almost every corner around the house as long as there is sunlight.
  • A small plant absorbs less carbon dioxide than a tree but it does help.
  • Plus, it’s a very healthy past time too.

8. Save rainwater

  • Malaysia receives a lot of rain in a year but most urban rainfall is wasted into the storm sewer.
  • It didn’t get into the ground water system causing flash floods above the ground.
  • Saving rainwater have many benefits towards the environment.
  • It puts fewer burdens onto the storm sewer.
  • The water can be used for washings and to water plants.
  • It causes less dependency on the tap water thus causing less burden to the water treatment plant.

9. Take short showers instead of a bath.

  • Showers use less water than a bath-tub.
  • Use a shower head with fewer and smaller holes that jets out water.
  • This enables you to have tour shower quicker and saves more water.

10. Pee in the sink... ( I totally have a rational reason behind this!!)

  • This might sound crazy and is strictly for males.
  • If you have an option between a urinal and a flushed toilet, go for the urinal.
  • At home, opt to use the sink instead!
  • The reason behind the suggestion is simply because it uses much less water to thoroughly clean the sink than to flush the toilet.
  • It uses an average of 500 ml to 1 litre of water to clean the sink while flushing uses at least 4 gallon if water (equivalent to 15.14 litres).
  • That would be a savings of 14.14 litres of water for every visit to the toilet.
  • Imagine that you visit the toilet (to pass out urine) 3 times a day. You’ll save 15483.3 litres of water per year.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Congratulations Jeannie and Pepe

Yesterday, our house was blessed with the birth of 3 adorable kittens. The kittens are in good health and their young mother, Jeannie, is taking good care of them. However, their father, Pepe, remains ignorant of the fact that of the 3 kittens, 2 of them inherit his trait while only 1 of them resemble their mother.

Hopefully Jeannie will continue to take good care of the kittens unlike what that has been done by our female cat last year Alya, who totally ignored her 6 kittens after a couple of weeks causing the death of all 6 of them...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Ragheb Alama - Naseny El Donia (Make Me Forget the World)

naseny el donia naseny el alam
dawebny habiby w sebny aolak ahla kalam
law alef el donia law alef el alam
mosh momken zay gharamak enta alaey gharam

law aolak eny bahebak
el hob showaya aleek
law sanya ana babead anak
bargaa moshtaa leaneak
domny khaleek wayaya
dawebny we doob fi hawaya
taala neash agmal ayam

kan agmal yom fi hayaty
yom ma abltak ya hayaty
ma edertesh athamel
min gheer ma afakar lahza laeatny badoob fi hawak
khadtny min kol elnas easht fi agmal ehsas
we nseet ya habiby eldonia maak

law aolak eny bahebak
el hob showaya aleek
law sanya ana babead anak
bargaa moshtaa leaneak
domny khaleek wayaya
dawebny we doob fi hawaya
taala neash agmal ayam
law aolak

ana shaylak gowa enya wa el donia di shahda alaya
ana ganbak wa bahebak mosh momken aadar ana ya habiby ansak
batmana el omr yetool wafdal ahebak ala tool
da ana yama helemt akon wayak

law aolak eny bahebak
el hob showaya aleek
law sanya ana babead anak
bargaa moshtaa leaneak
domny khaleek wayaya
dawebny we doob fi hawaya
taala neash agmal ayam

Translation in English

Make me forget the world,
make me forget the people
Melt me my darling,
and let me tell you sweet words
If I go around the world,
if I go around the people
There is no possiblity to find love like yours

If I tell you that I love you
Love is just to less for you
If I take a minute away from you
I return in the need to see your eyes
Hug me, be mine Melt me and melt in my love
Come and we?ll live the nicest days

It was the nicest day of my life
When I met you, my life I couldn't take it,
if I didn?t think of you for one moment,
I found myself in your love
You took me from all the people,
to live the most beautiful feeling
And, my darling, make me forget the world with you

If I tell you that I love you
Love is just to less for you
If I take a minute away from you
I return in the need to see your eyes
Hug me, be mine Melt me and melt in my love
Come and we'll live the nicest days

I hold you in my eyes, and the world is upon you
I am next to you and I love you It's not possible for me,
my darling, to forget you I hope my life will be,
To love you forever I dream to be forever yours

If I tell you that I love you
Love is just to less for you
If I take a minute away from you
I return in the need to see your eyes
Hug me, be mine Melt me and melt in my love
Come and we'll live the nicest days

check out the video at

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

'Syabas' to the SRC Members

It has not been a week since my previous article been published, the SRC members have already taken care of the problem regarding their room. I do not know whether the article really gives an impact or was it something else but all I know is that they have done something about it. Congratulations on that especially to Mr. President of the SRC - (Naufal whom I saw rearranging the notice boards) and Azam whom I met while they're rearranging the room.
(sorry if there are other people who were involved but not mentioned in this post)

Sekian for now...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

SRC... What Happened?

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is a very distinguished student body in any university. This is true especially in my beloved UNITEN. They are given privileges including their own room (which they don’t have to share with others) for them to plan their activities and to function as a governing entity for the students activities.

The SRC room can be considered as their sacred temple. A status symbol which means that people look up towards those inside the room. The room also portrays the personality of those inside it whether they value what in their possession or vice versa.

So, after staying off-campus for a month (my station is in Masjid Uniten which means I don’t have time to climb up BM 3rd floor) I finally got a chance to go to the SRC room (of course to lepak-lepak while waiting for the next class). When I got there, I got shocked to see that the room that used to be so neat and tidy is now messy as hell. Dustbins (I do mean more than 1 – 3 if I’m not mistaken) overflowing, food wrappers all over the floor, there are loose papers everywhere, chairs not put at their place. In short it’s a total EYESORE. Even the 4 little plants by the window are dying due to neglect.

I responded to the situation by asking them what happened and why the place is so messy but the only answer I get was “Belum kemas lagi”. We are already a month into this semester and when else do they think they will tidy up the place? Tahun depan?

Its is understandable that the lack of competition for their posts as Student Representatives results in them having less appreciation towards their position and what that came into their possession. They don’t regard this as a gift towards their willingness to serve the University but rather as… nothing!

Something has to be done fast and not to wait until they got their committee members. Someone has to take out the rubbish that has been overflowing to the big rubbish bin (which happens to be just outside their door), sweep the floor, arrange the chairs, tidy up the tables and racks and so on (whichever they think necessary). The easier way to go is simply have the habit of putting back the things where they belong. To keep things straight, at least someone has to do it if not everyone.

This is just commenting about the room yet the room is so significant that by looking at the room, it can say a lot about what type of people inside it. The condition of ones room do reflect the personality whether they are really sincere in representing the students or just saving their own asses.
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